Cast & Creative Team
Cast: Happy Anderson, Michael Braun, Kathleen Chalfant, Hanna Cheek, Michael Bryan French, Mick Hilgers, Ruthie Ann Miles, Linda Powell, and Kristin Villanueva.Creative Team: Happy Anderson, Michael Braun, Kathleen Chalfant, Hanna Cheek, Michael Bryan French, Mick Hilgers, Ruthie Ann Miles, Linda Powell, and Kristin Villanueva.
READ this blog post by Jeffrey S. Chase, a former immigration judge, that explains the history of the U.S. immigration court system
READ a statement from the Federal Bar Association in support of establishing Article Immigration Courts. Currently, the Immigration Courts are overseen by the Department of Justice which is directed by the Attorney General – an appointee of the President. This is seen by many people in the field as a fundamental flaw that compromises judicial independence and due process. 
READ: ”The Power of Transcripts” by Lee Sunday Evans, about the process of creating The Courtroom and The Flores Exhibits.